Steady affects. The only key to escape from quarantine gets stuck between these two words. “We can go out to visit people with whom we have family relationships or there are steady emotional relationships” said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. But excluding friends from this group.
Maybe because Conte doesn’t want to see them right now.
But who are these “steady affects”? Words matter. We ask Treccani for help: Affection.
“Affection: from lat. affectus -us, der. to affect «impress». – 1. Particularly intense feeling, which draws energy from instincts, and is heightened by the impulse of causes capable of moving the soul”.
So to go out on May 4th we will have to go find someone towards whom we have a “particularly intense feeling”. But”feeling” is something very generic, If it were only that, the guy you meet in the locker room of the swimming pool and who speask loudly, arousing a “feeling” of “particularly intense” nuisance, would suffice.
But the definition adds “that draws energy from instincts”. So you probably have to look at the stacked and blonde girl who goes to the supermarket with low-cut dresses even in January. It won’t be easy to track her down, but maybe this is the right occasion. However, this affection must be heightened by “the impulse of causes capable of moving the soul”.
So then or romance or fine.
A further scenario
But be careful! There is also a second definition of Treccani: “2. to. In communicative use, sentimental inclination towards people, animals or things, less intense than love and more regulated than passion “.
So we can not go out to find visit but certainly lovers yes.
As long as we don’t love them.
A little ‘more complex will be self-certify it. But not to the police. To the husband or wife who sees you going out and who has read the decree.
But the definition also speaks of animals and things. Does this mean that we can also go out to go visit that old friend who has a chihuahua whom we have so much fun playing with? Or that if a policeman stops us we can always say that “this bench in front of me moves a sentimental inclination”?
Affections , but steady
But one element is missing. Stability. How long does it take for a lover to become steady? A week? A month? One year? And does a lover have to be real or can the countless virtual lovers with whom Italy interwoven during the quarantine period also be fine?
Perhaps Italy will rediscover its ancient vocation as a land of love.
We’ll find out soon enough. And we will also discover that this country is full of “steady affects”.